Bill Me Later

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Detox the Bathroom 6

This week I did not create something new to use in the bathroom, it was something that was there all along and we did not even realize it, vinegar!  I know that probably is not a surprise to anyone who has been keeping up on my blogs I am so on the vinegar bandwagon right now!  Anyway, I have been washing my hair with my homemade bar soap, which is still working great by the way, but my hair is lacking in a way but I did not quite know how.

My hair has been  more manageable and had an excellent shine since I started using the bar soap but I guess it had a funny feel to it.  This feeling made me start to use store conditioner every few days, it was better my hair felt great, but this product is just what I am working so hard to avoid.  So I started to search the web and found a blog where she would do a vinegar rinse every few days, seemed ok but the smell once again got to me.  I decided to experiment, what about mixing some vinegar and water together to dilute the smell!  I tried this, I do this every couple days after I shampoo.

When I mix this mixture I do it when I am going to take a shower, it really works best when you use warm water.  You need to get an old conditioner or shampoo bottle or any kind of squirt bottle will work fine.  In the bottle put 1 cup of vinegar and 2 cups of warm water, shake well.  Its pretty simple, just use this when you would normally use conditioner on your hair.

The plus to this nice vinegar rinse is that is also works to get rid of dandruff!  A little note to the vinegar rinse is if you have brunette or black hair it could add highlights to your hair.  I have included a picture below of Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar, this is my choice, you might spend up to $20 on this gallon of vinegar but it is awesome, it has the mother in it yet. The "mother" in vinegar is basically the filmy substance you see in it because it is unfiltered and unpasteurized, leaving alot of beneficial bacteria!  However, there is no need to have to use this, I use regular white and apple cider vinegar all the time.

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