Bill Me Later

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Vinegar and Warts

I never liked vinegar from an early age, my mom used it on her french fries and ate salt and vinegar chips, the smell was enough to gross me out!  Much to my dismay I could never get away from it, one of my best friends loved vinegar then next my husband, I can deal with it though.  About four years ago my husband began to take vinegar in the morning and night.  He would mix 1 tbsp of vinegar in 1 glass of water and drink it.  He tried to get me to do it but my stomach would not allow:(  He likes Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar, it is great, kinda costly but worth it.  However, any kind of vinegar you have works.

Recently, I have been using vinegar as my main cleaning product!  I am loving the results but vinegar is useful for so much more.  I am creating another blog series you might say about what to do with vinegar.  Today I want to talk about how to get rid of warts with vinegar.

Warts are a virus that basically feeds off a blood vessel and grows until you stop it.  If you have ever had a wart you might know that it might have dark spots, that is the wart clogging the blood vessels.  Another fact I learned about warts several years ago came from my sister in law, they are contagious!  Who would have known they were contagious.  My sister in law had warts pretty bad and so did her kids, she found a herb at the health food store to take care of it.  Well when they were getting rid of their warts my kids began to get them.  Grrrr, I really did not want warts.  I think it might run in my husbands family 2 out of 3 of his brothers have them as well.

I let the warts go for a while, there were only a couple and not too bad.  However, last summer they grew, my oldest son had six and my middle son had at least 12, mostly small.  I tried everything, the herb did not work, the Compound W was a waste of money and stressful because of the ingredients, and just not doing anything did not work.  I had read something about using vinegar on warts to kill the virus. The idea made sense to me vinegar is acidy and would in theory kill a virus, worth a try.

I tried this a few days ago on my oldest son.  He has two warts on his thumb, pretty large, I would call them pea size.  I took a cotton ball, tore it into 4-5 pieces.  I soaked the cotton balls in white vinegar(it is all I had) but will work just as well. Next I took the cotton balls and put a small piece on each wart, they were soaked to the point that vinegar was running off, and put a couple band aids on to hold it in place.  I did this during the day so I left it on for about 4 hours.  I took it off and was shocked, they were almost gone.  The vinegar had ate the wart to almost nothing.  My son was so excited, he wanted to do it again so they were all gone.  Well today is two full days later, his thumb is almost normal, we put some more on tonight, hoping for more results in the morning.  I wish I had taken before and after pictures to show you but I really did not expect these results.

If you or your children have warts try this, they might complain about the smell but it does not last long.  The results are awesome and 100% safe!


  1. Great idea! I have one I'll try it on! Why does your husband drink it though? Yucky!

  2. Well he likes it because vinegar has alot of great properties like helping with blood sugar levels, digestions, helps to lose weight, haha, bad breath and much more! Just wait Rachelle I have alot more vinegar use on the way!

  3. One of the most popular ways of removing warts on your own is burning the spot with the tip of hot needle, or bleeding it until the virus comes out of your system. But I guess those sound horrible! Haha! And seriously, there’s a tendency that the virus would spread. So it’s better to leave the task to medical personnel because you can be sure that the materials they’d be using are clean and sterile.

