Bill Me Later

Friday, January 25, 2013

The Juicer!

My husband and I have been talking the last couple months about getting a juicer and introducing it into our diet.  We are on a mission to cut out all the processed foods we possibly can.  It is such a difficult task though!  I mean I really thought I cooked alot of unprocessed meals but there is always something there.  For example, tonight I made pasta with a homemade sauce.  It was great but I did not have any spaghetti noodles from my stash I made so I had to substitute some boxed noodles, they were at least whole grain but still processed with things that I have no idea what they are.  I have been trying to keep homemade noodles on hand but I love pasta and so do the kids so that is a daunting task! 

Another goal in getting rid of the processed foods is getting away from food in a tin can. Wow that's gonna be hard.  When I say that to people alot of them tell me but they are safe now they have a white lining, I usually do not even respond, and think all those years ago they told you tin cans were safe without the white lining:)  Its ok though we are products of what we are told by the media.  At our house we use a ton of canned cream soups, canned tuna, and soup beans, these items are in alot of things I cook.  I could always buy dry beans and cook those, maybe I could buy tuna fresh, but the cream soups I might have a breakdown without those.

On the other hand, we love fresh fruits and veggies.  We have them all the time.  My kids snack on grapes, carrots, celery, berries, and melon(in season) all day, my husband and I are right there with them.  I just wash them or cut them up and we "graze" them all day, way better than chips!  We have sold produce for over 10 years now and over these years I have met alot of people who juiced, honestly when I first heard this I was apprehensive.  As the years went by I have learned from my customers and researched and there are some awesome benefits.  I have to say I do not think we will totally go to juice, I might be able to but my husband loves meat too much. 

When a person juices you will create a healthier you with more energy and vigor, sounds good too me with three small boys!  In addition to this, alot of people love to juice to lose weight, that sounds good too, never did lose all the belly weight from pregnancy.  What is even better is the fact you need 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, who has time for that, well we can when we juice get it all done with 1 glass!  I am pretty excited about this because we, as a family need this to become healthier and its better for the earth too!

When you juice you have none of these:

• No Preservatives
• No Added Sugar
• No Artificial Coloring
• No Artificial Flavoring

We have looked for a while and talked to many people.  Surprisingly, we kept being sent to, they actually have a really nice product at a fair price.  What we really liked about the juicer was that we could try it for a month at $14.95 and if we did not like it we did not have to keep it.  I took care of that today and ordered one.  I should have it in 7-10 days so be ready for some great pictures and recipes!

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