Bill Me Later

Monday, January 21, 2013

Yuck Be Gone!!!

Household cleaners can be awesome when you want to get things clean, but they also have a terrible side when it comes to the harsh chemicals in them.  I remember as a young child my mom and dad every Saturday would clean the kitchen sink, bathroom sink, shower, and toilet with "The Works", the smell of those cleaners was terrible, mom would not even let me in the bathroom until it aired out for a good half hour.  I will give the cleaners credit they could cut through the rust and make things clean.

When I was in school I knew someone close to my age who at the age of four had drank a kitchen cleaner they had found under the kitchen sink.  This person was very ill but recovered, not totally though.  Mentally and physically nothing was wrong but the cleaner had effected their voice and they had a funny pitch that was the butt of other peoples jokes growing up.  My dad also had a high school classmate who sadly lost his 3 year old son to the same situation.  I have three of my own children now and I worry everyday that they might get into a cleaner, no matter how hard I try to keep it securely away from them.

I do different things already, like cleaning just about everything with vinegar, works wonder on windows and counter tops.  In addition to this I use a baking soda vinegar scrub in my toilet, you won't find the works in my house!  So in my new found time since we have moved I have been researching and trying recipes I find or my husband comes up with to clean the house.  I am going to share a recipe that is similar to Goo Gone. Goo Gone in all credit does a good job but it is so harmful it has a MSDS sheet, these are products that are harmful in some way.  When we ran a wholesale food service business we could not haul anything MSDS with food, too funny!  Goo Gone can cause skin and eye irritation, is flammable, and has the terrible fumes like The Works that can cause headaches, drowsiness, convulsions, and much more. 

I have a great and simple recipe that will work as good if not better than Goo Gone.

Crud Scrub

Coconut Oil(this is antibacterial)
Baking Soda

Yes that's it, just use them in equal parts.  You can mix alot or a small amount at a time.

In the demo I did today I used 2 tbsp coconut oil and 2 tbsp baking soda.  I put the coconut oil in a jar that I will store it in right away and microwaved it for 20 seconds to soften it to make mixing easier.  Next add baking soda and mix well, and now you have Crud Scrub.

One tip to remember is that baking soda is an mild abrasive and is safe for glass but could scratch plastic.

Other uses(I personally have not tried) are for toothpaste and a hand scrub! 

The ingredients.

I put in 2 tbsp of coconut oil, then microwaved for 20 seconds to soften.


I added 2 tbsp of baking soda.

I mixed well and now I have Crud Scrub, ready to go!!!
I hope this can be your first step in creating a chemical free cleaning supply closet in your homes!

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