Bill Me Later

Monday, January 21, 2013

Is Bread Ok? I Need Help!

I am a carb lover, potatoes, pasta, bread, pizza, you name it I am addicted.  I have always been that way, I never was really much of a meat eater, I would rather just have potatoes!  With all of the coverage you see about diets most of them say control the carbs, ugghh how?  Trying to be proactive I have in the last year tried to make sure that I buy "whole grain" whenever possible.  In addition to this, I tried to convert my die hard white bread eaters to whole wheat bread, easier said than done.  I have to say I was pretty successful but now I am wondering if I did the right thing.

I have been spending hours and hours looking over what is good and what is not for my family.  I am seriously looking into the juicing diet, I love veggies and fruit so it would be good for me but converting my husband could be harder, he is a definite meat eater!  I will have to hit that topic on another blog.  Anyway, back to the bread, a couple days ago my husband was watching the something on You Tube about green alage and I overheard the remark about not eating whole wheat bread because of how it raises your blood sugar.  I wondered if that is true so I began looking.

In my hours of reading I have found that 2 slices of whole wheat bread can raise your blood sugar more than eating 2 tbsp of sugar off a spoon!  When you look at the glycemic levels on how something affects blood sugar whole wheat bread is a 71 and white bread is a 70, pretty much the same.  The reasoning I have found behind these two types of bread being similar is that most of them are still made with processed flours, makes sense.  I found one bread that is great for you is pumpernickel, not my cup of tea.

On my want list of recipes is to be able to make my own bread to use on a daily basis to cut out the processed flours in breads.  However, I have tried many recipes with nothing to my liking!  This is where I need to make a request of those of you who read this blog, do you have any good recipes I could try?  I would love some comments or places to look.  This recipe needs to be something easy for a mother of three small boys to make and on the other hand it needs to be something that they will eat, almost an impossible task!

I hope not please leave me comments!


  1. Tasha, do you have an electric bread maker?

    1. I do have a bread maker, however it is packed in one of our semi moving trailers yet, so I might not see it for a while:)
