Bill Me Later

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Lazy Sunday!

Today was just too gorgeous to describe here in middle Tennessee, mid fifties and sun, what more could you ask for in Mid-January.  We celebrated our oldest sons 7th birthday on Saturday, its so hard to believe that 7 years ago I laid in a hospital bed for 27 hours waiting on him to arrive, and ended up with a c-section, it was all worth it.  Today, I felt so unproductive, I did clean up the house, mop and wash the blankets but I did not make anything or prepare another blog about something nutritious.  It seems like you might have to survive today with a simple lemonade recipe my husband and 7 year old son made this afternoon while me and the little guy took a nap.

My 7 year old I will refer to as "little Matt" and my husband as Matt in this post.  We went to the grocery yesterday and spent $50 on produce alone, that bothers me because usually we have all of our own canned or frozen but this year with the big move I did not get it done, that's a huge feeling of guilt, but I will get over it.  While little Matt and I were picking out our produce he kept on me to get lemons and limes to make lemonade.  I felt this was a great idea since it is so nice out it will make us look forward to summer and starting our seed in the next few weeks! This is funny because he doesn't like lemonade he just wants to squeeze the juice, go figure leave to my kid:)  So I gave in, I like to cook with lemons and limes anyway.

First thing this morning little Matt started in asking if we could make lemonade! I made him roll 6 lemons till they softened up, this will make the juice squeeze out better.  So after he did this he kept on me to make it, I finally told him to wait until the little hand gets to the 2 and him and his dad could make the lemonade. If I could have taken a picture of the look my husband shot me when I implicated him in this whole process you would be laughing all night.  I mean he always says he is such a good cook, and he does make awesome lemonade so I figured let him do it.

Conveniently, around 2 p.m. my little guy Luke and I took a nap, well Luke was asleep while I heard little Matt saying, "Dad its time, its time."  All I could do was chuckle.  Well I dozed off and when I woke up about an hour later they were done, and actually cleaned up the mess, total shock!  My husband is a great man, but totally lacking in the you cook you clean concept!  He is gradually getting better, I have alot of years invested in him.  I love to tell him that, it gets him going!

Well I hope you enjoyed the lazy story line today!  Here is the recipe:

6-8 lemons(roll them the day before if you can, I rolled mine about 5 five hours before and it worked great)
1 lime(rolled)
1 orange(rolled)
1 cup of sugar(you can add more after it is mixed if you want it sweeter)

Sqeeze your lemons, limes, and oranges with a hand juicer or whatever you have to use.  I have a great handheld squeezer I got from Pampered Chef years ago and love it. When you get the juice mix all of this in a gallon size jug or pitcher, gradually add water to fill the pitcher.  Make sure to stir well so all the sugar is dissolved, and its done.  Taste test now to make sure that you like the sweetness!  My kids all love it other than little Matt, he loves to cook but will not eat it!


  1. Hi Tasha, when I lived in Savannah, Ga, I learned that you heat a cup or two of the water and add your sugar and stir until the sugar melts, then add the sugar syrup to the lemonade. You make iced tea this way too. That way, all the sugar is melted and it makes both drinks just yummy!
