Bill Me Later

Friday, January 18, 2013

The Digital Camera War

I am not a person who is lets say good with technology, so me starting an online business and blog is almost hilarious!  Please do not get me wrong I am business savoy my husband and I have ran several successful businesses and farms over the last 7 years but it was mostly paperwork, growing work, or animal care and I can handle that.  I did go to college and I have a degree in Business Management and a degree in Sales and Marketing, but I dreaded every single computer course I took, so what I did today was painful!

My husband and I are working on starting an online business for about 2 months, we have hired a wonderful woman named Sharon Ware, whom I would highly recommend, to set up our store, which is great but we still have to take pictures!  We have two digital cameras, nothing fancy, the basic camera great for pictures of the kids. We have taking pictures with these cameras for the business for a couple months and we knew they were not good but had no idea how to fix it.  Sharon Ware and a couple online tutorials told us what we needed to look for like macro settings and zoom.  Our zoom was terrible, everything was blurry and fuzzy!  Yesterday I did not get a thing done but fuss with the cameras, and the cameras won.  After a good nights sleep my husband and I woke and decided we were going to town and buying a new camera.

We went into the store and looked, and of course I bothered the clerk for a good twenty minutes with my questions, honestly he was probably annoyed and wondered if I really had any brains up there.  So after the talk with the clerk I think my husband and I talked for another twenty minutes about what one to buy, we had it narrowed down to two.  We chose the camera that was $159 and a 26x zoom, I was a stress case about spending that much money on a camera!  I paid the man and suffered buyers remorse all the way to the car!

My husband immediately took it out of the box and started messing around.  It seemed pretty good and had good focus because he was able to take pictures of peoples license plates from pretty far away, that made me feel better.  We arrived home around 2 p.m., and literally until 9 p.m. tonight all we did was take pictures, grrrr.  We did stop for  a half hour for supper while all of this was going on.  My husband is a perfectionist, good but annoying tonight.  He moved my kitchen table all over  had me standing on a chair blocking light, all I could think of was I hope the neighbors don't drive buy and see me on a chair with a piece of paper!  Anyway I think it turned out ok, so I am going to put some of those prized pictures he took on here.  All of the items I will put pictures of on here he has for sale, he has a wood shop and does beautiful work, don't tell him I said that, I know my sister will read this and rat me out:)

A custom made sign out of oak or red cedar, your choice of letter and outline colors, up to 12 letters or numbers, big or small, $14.99, free shipping.

Red Cedar blocks that are great in dresser drawers, cabinets, closets, cars and where ever you want the fresh red cedar scent to keep away pests like moths and fleas, great seller, 12 blocks for $11.99, free shipping.

Red Cedar spatula, great for decoration or soap making, not recommended for food use, $7.99, free shipping.
Hardwood Butcher block, 22"x15"x1", treated with an all natural butcher block oil and ready for use.  I love the one he made me,I actually got something from him:)  $59.99, free shipping.

Red Cedar shavings in sachets that are great to hang in closets, cars, cabinets, and where ever you can think of to hang them.  We are selling these for $9.99 for 4 of the sachets, free shipping.

This picture is not the greatest, working on it tomorrow but I love this!  This is Oak crown molding that looks wonderful in your living room or bedroom, we sell it for $1.25 per linear foot, in 7 foot sections, shipping is based on how much is bought.

These are oak pot holders or could double as a small cutting board, (size 5"x5"x5") if you just need to cut up an onion or tomato for supper in a hurry.  We are selling three of these for $15.00 free shipping.
I hope you enjoy looking at these items and get a good laugh out of how hard it was to take these few pictures!


  1. Your pictures look great Tasha and Matt! Good job!!
    Sharon Ware

    1. Thank you we could not have done it without you:)
